Discover The Many Ways A Professional Home Automation System Makes The Most Of Your Living Spaces
A luxury home offers the ultimate comfort; it is where you enjoy the results of your hard work and dedication. The spaces you inhabit should inspire creativity, help you recharge, and fulfill your needs and desires.
Working with a Control4 dealer enables you to transform your home, allowing you to personalize every moment. Our industry-certified team of professional designers and installers does not rely on cookie-cutter solutions; we work closely with you to build perfect living spaces.
Want to learn more about how you can improve how you live in your Cincinnati, OH, home? Continue reading below.
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Control From Anywhere
One of the essential components of a smart home is the ability to create the perfect atmosphere. With advanced interfaces, you can set the lights, start the jacuzzi, raise the heat, or check your security cameras whether you are upstairs or halfway around the world.
Your Voice, Our Command
Having a home that directly interacts with you has been the dream of futurists and science fiction writers. Control4 allows you to use your voice to bring rooms to life. Rather than force you to use awkward phrasing or tech jargon, you simply state what you want. In addition to working with the leading smart speakers, the company has partnered with, the most advanced voice recognition system.
Make Your Home Sing
Recent research shows that music affects more than our own hearts. It has the power to generate intimate bonds between people, bringing us closer together. Imagine a simple swipe to bring up your favorite playlist throughout the home with audiophile quality, setting the mood indoors or out. Control4’s OS3 platform gives you access to complete discographies, song titles, artists, file quality, and album art, providing a complete listening experience.
Centered On You
A sophisticated smart home allows you to break free from the “one size fits all” mold. The members of your family do not share the exact same routines, schedules, or preferences; Control4 embraces your uniqueness. Want to make a change to the way things work? With the 4Sight portal, you can make changes to the programming and test them before making them permanent.
Your Home, Your Way
At Beacon Audio Video Systems, we are passionate about creating environments that inspire and enhance every moment. Are you ready to take the next step with a smart home built around the way you live? Start the conversation by calling 937-723-9587 or filling out our online contact form. We look forward to working with you!