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Is Amazon Alexa the Future of Your Home Security System?

The New Guard Feature Has Some Users Listening Closely

A home security system features multiple components, from alarms to cameras, and locks to sensors. There are plenty of ways that your system works to protect you. And when you integrate all the different features with a single, smart system, you can get even more out of them. Among the fastest-growing voices in smart home technology is Amazon, whose Alexa voice-control platform has been one of the most significant advances in the field in recent memory. With the release of Guard, a new smart security feature, Amazon wants to protect your home. But is the new system a worthy addition to your security features? Find out below.

See Also: 4 Reasons You Should Upgrade Your Home Security System This Year

What Is Amazon Guard?

Guard is a new feature available on Amazon Echo. Essentially, it acts as an audio sensor, detecting potential threats, and sending an alert to your smartphone or tablet. According to Digital Trends:

“Think of Alexa Guard as a tattletale that specifically listens out for breaking glass, smoke detectors, and carbon monoxide detectors. If the far-field microphones hear one of those danger sounds, Alexa will notify you by sending you a 10-second clip of the sound. You can choose which types of sounds you want to be notified about.”

Additionally, Guard can work with your smart lighting to create the mockupancy-like appearance that you're at home when you're miles away.

Is Amazon Guard Right for Your Home?

Amazon has struggled to make headway into the home security market since the introduction of Alexa. Why? Simple: voice control isn’t yet smart enough to reliably detect who is commanding it.

That means a potential criminal could tell your system to shut down and waltz right into your home. So, until now, Amazon has smartly stayed away from voice control for security systems.

But Guard is different. It’s essentially an audio sensor. And early reviews have shown that it lacks much of the compatibility required to make it an essential part of a smart home security system.

In other words, Amazon still has a long way to go before becoming useful in the security market.

Instead, we recommend reliable, proven manufacturers like Alarm.com for your security needs. As one of the premier producers of smart home security components in the country, you can count on Alarm.com products and services to keep you safe. Want to learn more about Alarm.com and how you can get the most out of your home security system? Click here to get started.

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