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Why Homeowners Need Smart Lighting Control Systems


Set the mood every time with the home lighting control system

Modern-day homes offer more than luxury: They offer comfort and aesthetics, and by integrating smart technology into your modern home, you can boost your home’s functionality tenfold. Among smart home technologies, home lighting control systems stand out the most because of their benefits. 

With Beacon Audio Video Systems, you can integrate lighting control throughout your home in Cincinnati, OH, and the surrounding area. But first, let’s look at all the reasons why homeowners need smart lighting control systems. 


Reduced Energy Consumption

When you have intelligent control systems installed into your home, you can manage the lighting throughout your home with a tap of your fingers. The lighting system can be accessed through smartphones and tablets, so you can switch off the lights when not in use. Moreover, with pre-programming options and sensors, the lights can be automatically switched off when you're not at home. This ensures that your lights are only used when they are needed. 

Another way lighting control helps conserve energy is by letting you control the intensity of light. You can dim the lights when natural sunlight comes from the windows. Less intense light uses less energy, and ultimately, you save money on electricity bills. 

Set the Scene

Whether you want to read a book or watch a movie, lighting control allows you to set the atmosphere based on whatever activity you want to perform. Lighting control systems will enable you to choose from different "scenes," and with a single press of a button, all the lights will brighten or dim to match your mood and scene preferences. 

Increased Usage

When you switch off or dim the lights more frequently, their lifespan increases, and you can use the lights for prolonged periods before they need to be replaced. This is also a money-saving factor. With frequent light changes, you spend more every time a light stops functioning, but you spend less on light replacement with improved lights. 

Convenience and Safety

You can make it look like you’re home even when you’re far away with lighting control systems. You can schedule the lights to switch on or off after a certain period to make it look like you’re at home. This will keep thieves at bay. 

Moreover, remote access allows you to control the lights from anywhere in the world, and setting the lights is only a single tap away with smart lighting control. 


Get in touch with Beacon today to start your lighting control project. We add value to smart homes in the Greater Cincinnati area. Give us a call at (937) 723-9587 or fill out an easy online form to get in touch. 

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