This guide will help you design and build a home theater. Once you know your available space and budget for your home theater project, you can starting selecting equipment. This series will deal with what's involved in building a home theater and not delve into specific product selection. Technology is fast moving and today's new hot equipment can become yesterday's news very quickly. We've learned how to setup a small shared space and now we'll dig into what you need to lookout for when you have a medium shared space available.
Your lobby, meeting room and public areas of your business say a lot about what your company values as important. You've heard the old saying, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression!" It's as true today as when it was first created. Companies may be stylish, organized, on the ball, and tech savvy, but if that's not how they are perceived my strategic partners and clients, they will have a problem. Many strategic partners and clients first get to know your company by visiting your office. The first place they see is your lobby and most likely the next please will be one of your meeting rooms. Don't blow your first impression!
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