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Commercial AV Design Tips - Best Ways to Design Audiovisual Solutions in Small Meeting Areas or Huddle Spaces


Small Meeting Areas or "Huddle Spaces" are areas within your Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky business that your staff can use for quick meeting to communicate and strategize. Many conference rooms get booked ahead of time, hurting the chances for small impromptu meetings. Large conference rooms don't give the same intimacy that a small room can provide and using conference rooms can draw attention to what your are working on.

  1374 Hits

Smart Home Tips - Voice Control, Smart Electric Outlets, and Better Systems Integration for Your Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky Home


Smart home technology is now here to stay and is spreading to more than just high end homes. With each new year, smart home technologies are becoming easier and less expensive to use and implement. Demand is high because of the convenience and safety that smart home technology can provide homeowners. 

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Designing & Building a Home Theater #5 - The Proper Room Height When Using Front Projection


Room height will play a roll in your home theater setup when you install a front projection setup in your home theater room. A front-projection system includes a projector unit (which is usually mounted on your ceiling but can also be on a lift, on a floor mount, or in the rear wall) and a separate screen. Video sources (such as DVDs, cable, and satellite TV) are routed into the projector, which then turns these signals into light. Then, the light is projected onto a separate screen that’s mounted on a wall at the front of your home theater. The required height would depend on the size of your screen. You would not come across concerns of room height with direct view . There are a number of guiding principle here that can help in the process of determining your room height with a front projection set up...

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With the Right Hardware, Software, and Integration, Your Smartphone Can Control the Technology Within Your Home


Chances are that even while you are reading this article you have your smart phone nearby. That is the reason the smartphone is quickly becoming one the best choices for controlling your home's technology. For years, the smartphone has often been predicted to become our remote control device of choice. With some recent technology advances and the fact that most people now have a smartphone, the time has come for the smartphone to become our main remote control.

  1040 Hits

How Can I Make My Home Safer? Tips To Keep Your Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky Home Safer For Your Family…


You just can't physically be in your home all day long and who would want to be. Knowing that most thefts take place on weekdays between 10-5 while you’re out loving your life or working, there is something you can do to give yourself some peace of mind while you’re away. A safety and security system IS your best bet but there are other things you can do to secure your home and family.

  860 Hits

Digital Signage Tips – Why and How to Create Digital Signage Solutions for Your Customers and Staff...


Digital signage is all about interactive communication with your audience. Digital signage messages are used to inform and influence your audience, who could be prospects, customers, staff, or something different. The messages can be used to promote products, provide directions, explain corporate benefits, reinforce branding, manage key performance indicators and much more. As the costs for display, player, and component hardware have decreased, the use of digital signage has soared. The top segments for digital signage are retail, corporate, transportation, healthcare, and hospitality.

  1539 Hits

Dayton Office
155 North Main St.
Centerville, OH 45459
(937) 723-9587

Cincinnati Office
3528 Columbia Pkwy
Cincinnati, OH 45226
(513) 257-2432