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Automated Lighting Control - A Good Starting Point On Your Way to Full Building Automation


The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that lighting accounts for about 40% of a commercial building's electricity usage. With changes in manufacturing and information technology, commercial building's energy consumption by 69% from 1980-2009 and is expected to rise another 22% by 2035.

Is An Office Relocation In Your Future? You'll Need a New Audiovisual System Design For the New Space...


ne of the best times to design your company's audiovisual solutions or unified communications technology is when you are planning on moving to a new office space. As you design your new office's physical layout, it's best to design the audiovisual plan at the same time to create a seamless design. 

Bridging the Communications Gap With Video Collaboration and Conferencing Solutions...


Having great communications and being agile are huge assets and differentiators for a business these days. When your teams and customers are separated by geography, the chance of miscommunication increases exponentially. Miscommunication can lead to lost sales and a bad reputation.

Commercial Audiovisual Tips - What Your Lobby and Meeting Rooms Say About Your Business


Your lobby, meeting room and public areas of your business say a lot about what your company values as important. You've heard the old saying, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression!" It's as true today as when it was first created. Companies may be stylish, organized, on the ball, and tech savvy, but if that's not how they are perceived my strategic partners and clients, they will have a problem. Many strategic partners and clients first get to know your company by visiting your office. The first place they see is your lobby and most likely the next please will be one of your meeting rooms. Don't blow your first impression!

What You Should Know Before Installing Surveillance Security Cameras...


It's easy to go into a big box store and get overwhelmed by all the surveillance options available. Almost all of the surveillance cameras and systems in big box stores are not commercial grade. Just for fun look up and see which surveillance camera's are being used in that big box and we bet you won't find any of the cameras or systems they are selling you. OUCH!

The Two Essential Things That All Building Management Solutions Should Have...


The Internet of Things is a blooming technology opportunity that provides many benefits to our homes and businesses. A technology integrator armed with this new technology can develop a Smart Building Management plan that can benefit your business in many ways.

See How Adopting Commercial Automation For Your Business Will Lead to Lower Overhead Costs and Better Morale...


You don’t have to be a multi-million-dollar company to get the most out of your business technology, but you do have to use IT solutions strategically to grow your company. Managers are always looking for ways to increase productivity and boost ROI ( Return on Investment). Commercial Automation is generally associated with increased effort and the results pay off quickly. A well conceived commercial automation plan always improves your company culture. Keep reading to explore how adopting commercial automation into your business can lead to lower overhead and higher morale.

4 Ways You Can Transform Your Restaurant, Bar, or Retail Location With Commercial Grade Audio and Video Solutions...


The world of commercial audio video is rapidly expanding, and restaurants and bars can significantly benefit from technology that increases their entertainment value to make patrons more engaged in their surroundings. Flat-panel displays and high performance audio elevate your establishment by stimulating guests’ senses and giving your staff comprehensive, easy-to-use control of the A/V system. The following audio video solutions will help to keep bring your customers back again and again...

Why Home Builders And Architects Should Have An Audio Visual Partner...


Builders, developers, architects & designers could profit by collaborating from design to implementation & installation of audio video systems, smart home automation, surveillance systems, lighting & climate control, for both residential & commercial projects. Relationships with professionals of the AV industry from system design, lighting control layouts, pre-wiring for future implementation & recommendations on the latest audio video and home automation systems equipment would be advantageous. We wold like to go over some of the qualities home builders, architects and designers should look for in an installation partner and why those qualities are important.

Can Technology Make Your Meeting Room More Productive?


Probably the Boardroom / Meeting Room is the most important room in your Company.. Meetings, discussion and presentation are happening there and time is of the essence. Boardroom automation saves time, with a touch of any smart device you can adjust the lighting, window shades , projector screen, and even the temperature so you can focus on the meeting content instead of the setup. How many times have you heard the saying, "time is money"? It's never been more true for the business owner who simply can't afford to waste time. Technology offers countless opportunities to maximize efficiency within your business operations, and therefore save you time. When your business is operating efficiency, it gives you more time to market your business and increase sales.

Commercial AV Design Tips - Best Ways to Design Audiovisual Solutions in Small Meeting Areas or Huddle Spaces


Small Meeting Areas or "Huddle Spaces" are areas within your Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky business that your staff can use for quick meeting to communicate and strategize. Many conference rooms get booked ahead of time, hurting the chances for small impromptu meetings. Large conference rooms don't give the same intimacy that a small room can provide and using conference rooms can draw attention to what your are working on.

Office Automation Increases Efficiency and the Bottom-line...


If you are the manager or own a business you know that an employee's surrounding affect their workday. This is especially true in an office setting. So enhancing the office setting is a smart move. Office automaton is one of the ways to boost productivity and efficiency. We would like to list a few ways your company can benefit from office automation...

4 Important Audio/Visual Solutions That Will Separate Your Restaurant or Bar From Your Competition...


One of the ways to supercharge your restaurant or bar and separate yourself from your competition is to implement commercial audio-video solutions into your workplace. The following lays out 4 solutions that can make the largest impact on your customers...

Digital Signage Tips – Why and How to Create Digital Signage Solutions for Your Customers and Staff...


Digital signage is all about interactive communication with your audience. Digital signage messages are used to inform and influence your audience, who could be prospects, customers, staff, or something different. The messages can be used to promote products, provide directions, explain corporate benefits, reinforce branding, manage key performance indicators and much more. As the costs for display, player, and component hardware have decreased, the use of digital signage has soared. The top segments for digital signage are retail, corporate, transportation, healthcare, and hospitality.

Dayton Office
155 North Main St.
Centerville, OH 45459
(937) 723-9587

Cincinnati Office
3528 Columbia Pkwy
Cincinnati, OH 45226
(513) 257-2432