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Automated Lighting Control - A Good Starting Point On Your Way to Full Building Automation


The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that lighting accounts for about 40% of a commercial building's electricity usage. With changes in manufacturing and information technology, commercial building's energy consumption by 69% from 1980-2009 and is expected to rise another 22% by 2035.

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Is An Office Relocation In Your Future? You'll Need a New Audiovisual System Design For the New Space...


ne of the best times to design your company's audiovisual solutions or unified communications technology is when you are planning on moving to a new office space. As you design your new office's physical layout, it's best to design the audiovisual plan at the same time to create a seamless design. 

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See How Adopting Commercial Automation For Your Business Will Lead to Lower Overhead Costs and Better Morale...


You don’t have to be a multi-million-dollar company to get the most out of your business technology, but you do have to use IT solutions strategically to grow your company. Managers are always looking for ways to increase productivity and boost ROI ( Return on Investment). Commercial Automation is generally associated with increased effort and the results pay off quickly. A well conceived commercial automation plan always improves your company culture. Keep reading to explore how adopting commercial automation into your business can lead to lower overhead and higher morale.

  1259 Hits

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155 North Main St.
Centerville, OH 45459
(937) 723-9587

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Cincinnati, OH 45226
(513) 257-2432