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The Importance In Having your Audiovisual (AV) In-Sync With Your Information Technology (IT) Providers


Audiovisual products have quickly evolved and become integrated with existing IP, wireless, and mobile infrastructures making the relationship between your IT provider and your AV provider very important. QSC and Spiceworks released a study of more than 150 IT buyers and professionals to learn what they wanted from Audiovisual integrators.

Is An Office Relocation In Your Future? You'll Need a New Audiovisual System Design For the New Space...


ne of the best times to design your company's audiovisual solutions or unified communications technology is when you are planning on moving to a new office space. As you design your new office's physical layout, it's best to design the audiovisual plan at the same time to create a seamless design. 

Automated Lighting Control - A Good Starting Point On Your Way to Full Building Automation


The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that lighting accounts for about 40% of a commercial building's electricity usage. With changes in manufacturing and information technology, commercial building's energy consumption by 69% from 1980-2009 and is expected to rise another 22% by 2035.

Home Theater Tips - Hot Trends To Take Into Consideration When Building Your Home Theater


Home theater use is at an all time high given all the streaming video choices families have these days from Netflix to Amazon to Hulu, as well as, traditional cable offerings and sports packages. Also, the price of the audiovisual equipment used in home theaters has never been more affordable. Here are some of the latest trends we're seeing in home theaters...

Bridging the Communications Gap With Video Collaboration and Conferencing Solutions...


Having great communications and being agile are huge assets and differentiators for a business these days. When your teams and customers are separated by geography, the chance of miscommunication increases exponentially. Miscommunication can lead to lost sales and a bad reputation.

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Centerville, OH 45459
(937) 723-9587

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